Saturday, October 30, 2010

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Haiti in the Time of Cholera

In Haiti the Time of Cholera, no more greenhouse by hand to avoid spreading germs possible. Then suddenly, we tap fists as the stereotype of young people in the suburbs. The cashier (who never smiles), schoolgirl wear same gloves ...
In Haiti where people are friendly, we recommend no more kissing. We said hello with a wave of his hand far ...

If this weekend is the feast of the dead or Guedes. I do not know if the link works but if you want to try some photos: # / Album.php? Aid = 2084305 & id = 1073963073

Friday, October 22, 2010

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Am, stram, gram, pick and pick and you got cholera

Update 29 October: 4649 dead and sick 33o

I stitched this title to Nelly, who presents a show on national television.
This article is the first version of an article that I will submit the house journal of PROTOS. You have the scoop and I update the data as possible.

course, we rarely take the pen (or keyboard) or the floor to say that all is well. However, I wanted to write to express signs of hope, nine months after the quake, but once again, this is not the case.


A cholera epidemic has hit the Lower Artibonite and Lower Central Plateau (see map) to October 18. In four days there were 138 deaths and more than 1500 patients. From October 22, cases were identified in Arcahaie then were Hinche, Port-au-Prince and Limbe who were affected. On October 27 the official toll is 292 dead and 4,147 ill.

It had long feared an outbreak in the metropolitan area after the earthquake of January 12 while the lives of survivors were precarious and that the authorities had of finding a solution to the management of hundreds of thousands of bodies.

Yet in rural areas as the epidemic struck, as a reminder to all that commendable efforts developed in the area of direct impact of the earthquake should not obscure the reality of life for Haitians in rural areas, Haitians' country apart. "


The evocation of this disease evokes for most people in developed countries, a medieval disease, yet the WHO Each year 3-5 million cases and 120,000 deaths . Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae . 80% of cases are treatable with oral rehydration salts but the most serious cases require infusions (photo David Darg).

In general, about 75% of those infected have no symptoms, although the bacterium is present in their faeces for 7-14 days after infection and was eliminated in the environment where it can potentially infect other people. But the present form in this area of Haiti seems highly virulent: very short incubation time (hours), diarrhea and severe vomiting (but without abdominal pain) that cause death within hours. The Health Minister, Alex Larsen confirmed Oct. 22 it was a strain of type O1, the most dangerous type. " The last case Cholera in Haiti in the last century.

The situation in hospitals

The general weakness of individuals linked to malnutrition, or people infected with HIV creates a breeding ground the rapid development of such epidemics. There is also the problem of access health services, limited in rural areas. The hospital of San Marco is overwhelmed and patients are treated on the floor (the photo-story). Health centers need to be refueled quickly in saline for rehydration and must manage the body of the deceased. At the hospital of St. Mark the bodies are placed in bags, disinfected but in other municipalities such as Grande Saline, the victims' bodies are unburied individual and placed in a common grave. More pain for families in a country where the funeral-related beliefs are important. In more remote areas, flooding of rivers restricts the movement and prevent some people from reaching the few existing health centers. The race to drinking water, ways to treat water or saline rehydration began and has even been exploited by political candidates for president or legislative (senator or deputy). Ironically, this same 22 October, water treatment stations to be inaugurated in Bocozelles (a section of Saint Marc).

What source of contamination?

At the time these lines appear, the source of contamination was identified at the Artibonite River. The hypothesis raised and on which the government works contamination is a tributary of the river by emptying latrines MINUSTAH base. If this happens, it does not go up the esteem of Haitians as regards the United Nations presence in the country. MINUSTAH has obviously denied any involvement.

The state environmental and hygiene conditions and sanitation habitats would have allowed such an epidemic from spreading. Low coverage and poor performance of drinking water in rural areas still forcing most people to drink water from rivers and springs. Also, according to many, the river water would have "little more taste," ... It also has very little infrastructure for sanitation and public remains poorly informed preventive behaviors to prevent the spread of these diseases.

What evolution?

After ten deaths from the early days, the progression of the epidemic appears to have marked a step and the government declared that the epidemic was contained. However, at the same time, NGOs and United Nations, will still want alarmist, saying fear spreading mass opinion more widely publicized by the media that the position of encouraging the Haitian government. This fear is based among others on the fact that in places quite remote and little affected by the distribution of water treatment, people continue to drink water from the Artibonite. As mentioned above, 75% of people do not show symptoms but can contaminate the environment and ensure the spread of bacilli in their faeces, and until two weeks after infection. Thus it is likely that cholera is present in the country for several years. This implies a change of habits and policy of access to water by some physicians.

If the daily number of deaths is decreasing, we can not say that the epidemic is contained in the sense that it progresses geographically. This increase (see map) is related to the movement of persons but cases of deaths are those people who have contracted cholera in the Artibonite. Thus, it is not present, for now, the creation of new foci of infection. The metropolitan area is particularly monitored because the spread within camps for the homeless could be catastrophic as had been the case in Rwanda in 1994 with 23,800 people dead.

Fearing a spread, the Dominican Republic has decided to control the border and to prohibit entry into its territory to any person without a passport, a measure deemed unnecessary by WHO, however. This paralyzes all trade, big business for cities on both sides of the border (the market of both countries are allowed some days to get from one side and one without identity checks). Incidents had also occurred in Ouanaminthe, leading the MINUSTAH soldiers to disperse the crowd with tear gas. Two days later, the neighbors have agreed to reopen but markets will meet bi hygiene measures and controls implemented by the Dominican Ministry of Health.

psychosis settles and people have attacked the MSF staff at St. Mark protesting against the installation of a treatment center with 400 beds fearing that the entire area is contaminated.


The presence of health NGOs in Port-au-Prince has enabled a rapid response with the onset of the cholera treatment center in St. Marc and Port au Prince

President Préval has indicated that the National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation (DINEPA) will launch a water purification in the region. DINEPA is responsible for distributing © Aquatabs, HTH, rehydration serum and soap through OREPAs existing town halls, CASEC (kinds of rural mayors) and NGOs, even if there are still snags in coordination.

PROTOS works with CPH Belladère (see map) which is also in the vast area of the Lower Plateau. For now, no cases were identified but prevention is still required. Construction activities of a drinking water system, awareness and empowering people to improve their hygiene and sanitation, remain far more crucial to avoid such cases. Grassroots organizations with whom PROTOS works, the Cusic (association of irrigators) and UDECOBEL (CBO) working on public awareness. PROTOS has also applied for a requisition for Aquatabs © , HTH, rehydration serum and soap from DINEPA for distribution on the Iron Cross and Belladère in collaboration with the municipality and the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture. Belladère area being considered for prevention and not as a priority area, only the soap is made available to us so far. On 28 October, we issued 8.000 bar soap (1 bar / person / week) in the dispensary of the Iron Cross and the DDA Belladère (possiilité storage). City Hall and grassroots organizations are responsible for distributing to the people.

Through local media, people are informed about the manufacture of a rehydration serum using treated water, sugar and salt.

The USA, Canada, Spain, Belgium and France among others sent medical missions, equipment processing water or rehydration as well as monetary donations.

More humorous, it was even heard on the radio that Haitians are generally very warm, we had to stop to kiss all the time!

It is difficult to disentangle reality and misinformation, but this is not direct result of the earthquake as some French media have been announced. It is interesting to note in passing no international media is talking about the track as foreign source of the problem, although this is unlikely given the absence of cholera over the past century. Haitian authorities, they really wrong when they ask questions about the management of excreta MINUSTAH camps around the country?

In conclusion, we could say that we definitely did not need that while the hurricanes were spared the country (the season has been exceptionally strong yet) so far . But, I think even the concept of resilience so often praised Haitians for decades and especially after the earthquake, has no real meaning ...

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Rah Digga - Classic (2010)

If rap was subject to the requirement of parity, the accumulation of fines would be sent directly to jail or bankrupt ... Yet suspicions of femininity that have interfered here and there over the years both in the model "bitch" assumed to and Lil 'Kim Foxy Brown or through conscious feminist activism to Bahamadia and Lauryn Hill . Yet for a while the female mc radius remains empty despite some tests John Gray or recently Eternia. The return of the prodigal daughter Rah Digga after a big miss on their second album was never released an excuse to revive the style. Behind this small size hides surely the best mc rap. Uncompromising and aggressive as a mc overflowing with testosterone made in underground Rah Digga never gets into details discharging its share of rabies in texts very well written and a controlled flow from beginning to end. Impatient of this output, we note nevertheless some restraint because indeed the Dirty Harriet completely left the production Nottz. If the beatmaker can boast a CV well supplied in its collaborations, he never managed to achieve unanimity. As far back two former stables of the Flipmode Squad on an album stirs curiosity. So after ten years with no concrete plans for Rah Digga and a certain suspicion Nottz this Classic can he go to Rah Digga acclaim?

history to spice the game, Rah Digga decided to call Classic Album which, as Album Of The Year of Black Milk, plays on the double meaning of the word. What titillate any listener of rap, yet it becomes clear very quickly that the reference has nothing to do with the status of the album. Clearly, the album floats along in the past by the very full-bodied bass line and drums that Nottz particularly fond.

So what about this album? Very hard to position themselves on a consistent opinion, neither perfect nor bad Classic remains what kind of album that you listen to the end taking really fun but take more frustration despite a more than reasonable qualitative result. First, the level of Rah Digga the mic is just top flight Who Gonna Check Me Boo and Solidified , the miss is far from having lost its superb but what was touted as a brake is realized . Far from wanting to cut a short Nottz which has repeatedly proven its capabilities, it still feels a remedy to cross over to Nottz reaches just musically Rah Digga but after more than 10 years to run its bump, we can not bet on such developments. Yet the beatmaker struggled in delivering a varied musical palette: the electrifying Straight Spittin ' IV and his guitar, drums and flute on forced This Is not No Little Kid Rap , a 70's funk tinged on Solidified old-school rap or 80's on Viral , Nottz possible exploits to his repertoire with professionalism without convincing. Too bad for the little spark that will fire this cake is never far away. Finally, the homogeneity of all this suffocating Classic so bring out one or more tracks the album is hardly lost. With only 10 tracks, there is a sense of unfinished on the bottom.

Rah Digga back on the front of the stage and his presence is a reminder that there is no need to be an intelligent man to kick the mic . If the album does not mark the year 2010, Nottz Rah and we offer a beautiful moment rap Boom Bap. Just hope Rah Digga find the production to suit him for the next music releases.


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KRS-One & True Master - Meta-Historical (2010)

45 years including 26 years in the rap game, 6 albums under the effigy of Boogie Down Productions , 14 solo albums, an album with Marley Marl and another with Buckshot, that's the testament that rappologique KRS-One forwarded to generations watered Hip-Hop. So why, this rap fanatic and senior rhyme continues to struggle as he has nothing left to prove? To forever mark the movement? To get the rap up? The answer is rather vague because if Teacha boasts of being the guardian of true Hip-Hop, the qualitative result of recent demonstrations remains anecdotal. But now The Blastmaster seems constantly in need of challenge and increased collaborative project demonstrates a desire to return to the top but not yet successful (logic also vis-à-vis the poor quality of his latest releases ). So in this reconquest KRS-One crosses the path of True Master producer affiliated with the Wu Tang and experienced a boom in the 90 to fall into anonymity qualitative at present. Therefore risky bet for KRS-One that focuses on the injured animal to a burst of pride that will make Meta-Historical her hello.

Hard to give a real translation of this title without the listener back to the work of Dr. Fearon , let's just say the word philosophy is emotional. In short, complex his wallet, this new collaboration from the outset seems loser. And after an introduction soporific Murder Ya just hit the Tampines with animal aggression. KRS-One seems unrecognizable killer uncompromising while True Master distills a poison in a dark sound comparable in its infancy. The a priori negative evaporates and the certainty of falling into a pattern is established very aggressive revival. If the length of the album, True Master , comfortable apart from its production boom baps Minimalist, makes a copy more than clean it remains quite frustrated lack of risk taking that its level would allow it. Best example Palm & Fist or Gimme Da 90's gives efficient rendering but completely banal. Conversely One Two, Here's What We Gon 'Do, Knowledge Reigns Supreme, Street and Rhymer He's Us renewed the genre with intelligence. Note the very good performance of a True Master converts the mic He's on Us (really in tune with his instrument) and Knowledge Reigns Supreme .

But the real winner of this experience remains KRS-One . Refreshed and willing to do battle, KRS-One is like a fish in water in this musical universe. Benefits top flight despite a reflective approach rather perched even incomprehensible ( Unified Field ) KRS-One found a second life and leads his guests in the same direction (providing RZA on Here's What We Gon 'Do brings an undeniable and even Cappadonna on Rhymer Street plays the game). The aging of the elite rap in the heart of the news report, urged the audience to doubt compatibility between age and yet maintaining the flow from the top of its 45 years Kris Parker blow to the critics wrong by delivering a near perfect work.

In the end we simply blame a real lack of ingenuity on this album and especially a number of skits unnecessary but possible a view of all the album demonstrates a real strength. The comeback did not happen by Meta Historical but the way is open and hope, often broken by a fatalism ambient, new news. It is on the announcement of the imminent release Project Godsville with the eminence grise of DITC Showbiz (and E-Blaze frenchie ) will be followed very closely ...


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Everliven Sound - Freedom II (2010)

2010 will see its end close in September. Yet the day of reckoning is coming and a decision would be premature given that the world should look nice in stores by the end of the year. However, there is a negative point emerges still the beginning of this decade. Far to seek points of comparison between the old school and new-school or whether this year is a homecoming, it is noted that the report lacks vitamin or punch. It is true that soulful vibe, which is not displeasing, was pervasive and that the percussive rhythms that make you want to wiggle are conspicuously absent. So when the brothers mcs Cymarshall Law and Skit Slam forming the group Everline Sound arrive to celebrate, once again, freedom in all its corners with this second effort " Freedom II" we say that the good mood and fat beats will be output.

If the name evokes Skit Slam unremarkable except for insiders at the time of Scienz Of Life, one of Cymarshall receives an echo from earned some time. Following his 1 st very soulful solo Hip-Hop in the Soul with very promising producer Mr Joekes , Cymarshall Law had managed to capture a large audience confirming the predictions of the label Rawkus who 'integration had the list of 50 "next MOST important artists in Hip Hop " .

For the mood takes, we can count on the Jamaican roots of the two brothers returned very well, and it is a shame, for the Scandinavian The Beatnikz . So it is surprising to appeal to two gus to reproduce the cold atmosphere west indies, the result on the form remains as colorful as the artwork.

But there is no point getting carried away because as long as usual the arrival of a musical line often suffers homogeneous redundancy boring. And rehashed musical Beatnikz on the bottom is omnipresent showing fairly quickly the limits of their contribution. If the duo shows real ability to produce fat beats, percussive, lack of creativity, at times, minimizes the value of the album especially with a composition of 18 tracks.

Meanwhile, Cymarshall Law and Skit Jam find a certain complementarity on the theme with a vision of conscious Hip-Hop without entering into the political vendetta and far vision Gangsta. Themes running on freedom with a certain detachment disturbing for the listener accustomed to a protest movement more than old-fashioned about this kind of subject. Technical level, the disappointment quickly advanced the tip of his nose. If Jam Skit never managed to pass the bar higher in the remaining common stock of rappers lambda, we can not criticize his lack of involvement despite the same result as antidepressants in his performance. By cons, Cymarshall Law detonates share of the benefits of a trite. If the negative report on the mc stopped there, the burden would be anecdotal, but unfortunately Cymarshall Law falls into the abyss by a forced delivery and not at all suited to the vibe by distilled Beatniks.

But contradictorily about the above, this cake is far from disappointing, and guarantees the listener a number of pieces of sufficient quality. Remember, the Ode to Joy fuming Liquor Ms Spliff the Credit Crunch hitting along C-Rayz Walz or Elements with El Da Sensei and finally Follow My Lead and the opening track Get Up Stand Up .

This Freedom 2 will satisfy for a time (probably limited) any fan of the genre but will not mark this year. You can even ask the question of the real utility of Everliven Sound as between a Jam Skit effete and thus lulling and Cymarshall Law overrepresentation in vitamin but tiring on the ears, complementarity is necessarily affected. We will issue a doubt more than a certainty until the arrival a Freedom 3 .


Monday, October 11, 2010

Aveda Vs Red Ken Shampoo

voodoo or what? A new inhabitant

N Do not be afraid! I'm going to give drink to Guédés hiding behind the door so they leave us alone ... I am also will visit the temple of John Dantor, beautiful Erzulie and other loas I forgot. I must say this ceremony dates back a while.
It was a ceremony of society Deréal near Port au Prince.

Beef very peaceful. Does he know there's going to happen? With eyes very voodoo, is not it?

the Poto Mitan; notice the little pieces of crepe on the ceiling, it's like almost a July 14

American Eskimo Spike Collar

Tired of seeing rats give them joy in my heart and in my kitchen in my dressing room and could not catch them in traps too small to very respectable size, we again adopt a kitten, but that is a female this time, which limits the risk of vagrancy but surely give me the opportunity to view it in full at least once by this I left.
same time, I tell you here but I had a weekend and she was very timid and after I left in NO, so who knows if it will survive until there!
I called her because she Chaplin snout black.