Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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Cheating is not played but is it won?

A cause du séisme, les élèves front and back ends were made for only the bin last week. And I thought back to the cold sweats when we have announced that calculators be banned while we spent so much time to enter the anti-dry it. In Haiti the laptop has taken over so that students can take them when composing. Sms, peers spend their responses. And the worst is that they brag about in the newspaper. And then I think people like my parents who taught for years when I learned that school principals convene even their teachers to pass them the solutions they need to communicate to their students !!!!! Interest? Getting good results for the facility, which will attract more students during the next school year.

the word "cheat" was also used recently by Wyclef and his lawyers. Indeed, after announcing that he accepted the decision of the PRC to reject his nomination. Wyclef tweeted Sunday that he would challenge his ouster. Monday morning, his lawyers went brought a complaint alleging cheating to oust their client because of the threat it poses to certain policies (ouh. ..). And one can say they do not go dead hand: Supreme court, Superior Court of Auditors and even the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, only here!
Remember that the application was rejected because the PRC said that Wyclef laughed our heads a bit when he claimed to reside in Haiti for over 5 years. I think it has something to deal with this drama until the elections.

Finally, I can not resist to show you this drawing appeared in the News Monday:

So little explanation for non-Creole (Wyclef, you're a little concerned): the soldier said to a very red poor child was quite confused and starving (onomatopoeia next Belly kwashiorkor type) that if it moves, it will still A for 5 years. A soldier and the other to pray that the kid moves ... Ah, thin, Wyclef can not understand either, he does not speak French. It may still take courses at the French Institute? ..


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