Monday, January 31, 2011

What If My Hematocrit Levels Are Low?

What's more rewarding than making her own jam
yourself and contemplate his work every morning!

abound during the winter and it is high time to bring them to the pan. This

the marmalade sweet flavor with a hint of bitterness will
a perfect quality bread and butter ... homemade too!
It is full of shimmering color and vitamin C.

for 2 pots means

150 g 100 g Kumquats
Clementines (2) 50 g
Lemon Yellow (1 / 2)
400 ml of juice orange

50 ml of water 100 g sugar cane blond
3 tablespoons honey orange curved

ღ ღ ღ

Blanch two times in a row the whole clementines
Blanch 3 times
Cut the lemon and finely chop all citrus
by removing all the seeds.
Pour the pulp obtained in a saucepan
Pour the orange juice, water, sugar and honey
Bring to a boil, stirring once a
Reduce heat to low and cook for 2 hours. Hot Mix
very short to obtain a consistency softer
with even small pieces
citrus peels. Put in sterile jars
hot and cool to room temperature.

ღ ღ ღ

Use citrus biological and simplify your life
orange juice bottle, organic if possible and sweet to the taste.
Let stand at least 24 hours before serving.
Will keep in refrigerator. For
less bitterness, remove the white part under the lemon zest and think
cut the "sharp" lemon, too thick.

Popular Vuze Search Template

beans in 2011 .... Cheers cake! Private Sale

It was time to show you the harvest of beans 2011
just before Chinese New Year, February 6 and
the sacroiliac St. Valentine's Day, February 14th!

A small crop this year because mea culpa, I made a mistake in the transcription of
my email
, which has hindered sending photos .

Under a small air vintage or Russian, or
cartoon effigy from U.S., traditional or downright
"Ave Caesar", or yummy
strange, timeless
bean has gone well the test of wafer !

♥ ♥ ♥ Thank you for participating:
Boudoir Gourmand ,
Gossip cakes,
Madam speaks ,
Flavor Passion ,
the box Sugar
and myself!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome Message To New Born

Pierre Hermé!

a private sale Pierre Hermé began this morning on the site

If you are interested that I sponsor,
please send me your details via email.

myfoodbox (at)

are sold boxes of chocolate macaroon , raspberry yuzu ...
and boxes of chocolate candy with 40% reduction
-price shop.
The mailing is done in isothermal case.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tech Deck Live Skatepark . Com

Darling, give me a rather Cha No Ka!

Mark my word ...

for Cha Matcha and Ka cake.

Two languages cat Matcha Green Tea Type Okoicha,
that is obtained from the first tea leaves,
early in the collection, and very high grade "goutu"
and a thin plate white chocolate, sugar balanced, crisp and melting
On each cake is then affixed a Chinese ideogram,
"京 Kyo", "果 ka (cake)" or "cha 茶 (tea)"

At the tasting, first comes the sweetness of chocolate and then force
specific plant and bitterness Matcha tea.

This Japanese delicacy is exclusively sold in France
the Grande Epicerie in Paris at a price of 15 euros the 10 pieces.

She comes from a famous pastry Kyoto
Malebranche (online sales only in Japan) and
is the alliance of three masters of Kyoto

Kakuji KOJIMA, owner of the tea plantation enduring
techniques tea culture of the Edo era.

Haruhide MORITA, tea taster who selects, battery tea leaves into a
Koisha a thick matcha tea perfect for carrying cakes.

Yasuhiko Ezaki, pastry chef who developed the recipe for Cha No Ka.

Photo Credits: Malebranche

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Brown Discharge After Kidney Infection

Ripailles of ripoux

I am sharing an article published in Libération, a few weeks ago about a drug case, corruption and a vendetta, held in Port de Paix, the capital of Northwest in 2008.
journalists often tend to exaggerate things but I think this story gives a good idea of life "exciting" in this city. You understand why I do not rush me all weekend there ...

In 2008, Port-de-Paix, police and magistrates come across the loot from a big shot of the drug and use very widely. The scandal is still running.

Port de Paix, Haiti's city of about 120,000 inhabitants, and its white beaches such as sugar ( under the rubbish, I'm willing to believe that the beaches are white ), is the location of all special effects, all the retraction of all trades and all miseries. There is a ghost who is mayor more often than Miami mayor, two brothels ( only? ), five halls and three hotels kept by men armed with a Remington 12 gauge. At the port, customs closes at 16 pm and reopens at 10 am the next day. Opposite, on the island of Tortuga, "three cops on a hammock," says, Vachard, an observer of the UN Mission for Stabilization in Haiti.
Turtle is under the thumb of a guy named John ALCERA. A real estate developer. That's for the front. The man, wanted for drug trafficking, back and forth with impunity. Between Port de Paix and the island with an inlet, placed in the middle of a boat U.S. Coast Guard. Suffice to say that Port-de-Paix is a city where the Haitian State has long since fallen dry powder. Today, the mortality rate from cholera is two per thousand inhabitants in the region. Last month, a fishing boat sank in the night with twenty-two illegal immigrants. "It takes 45 dollars on these boats for a trip to certain death," says the evangelist Tony Vernio.
On Wednesday, November 12, 2008, at the stroke of 16 hours, four kilometers out of Port-de-Paix, when we take due east along the sea trawlers stranded in a place called Lavaud, on a hill surrounded by banana plantations overlooking the island of Tortuga distant 7000, held a magic white but has nothing to do with voodoo potions.
On termination of cocaine trafficker cons Mackendy promise of liberation, eighteen policemen and eight judges, including the prosecutor Rene Moses, entering a house of concrete block attached to a sort of little "Trianon" reinforced concrete. It belongs to Marc Frederic, the uncle of one of the largest in the drug trade in Haiti: Alain Desire. Le Trianon, it was erected by Desire. The latter, "who has spent his entire career trader in the Bahamas," according to the new presiding judge in Port-de-Paix, returned home to put in the shade. The Bahamian authorities have issued an arrest warrant.
Desire is 32 years old, small, skinny. He only speaks English and Creole. It was exfiltrated to Miami two days earlier at night by the Drug Enforcement Administration, under the authority of the drug squad. Shots were exchanged between the men of the National Police (HNP) and those who desire to flee before the number. Here begins the story the "treasure of the buccaneers" in the words of Stephen Vinx, the judge in the trial of this case which always shakes Port-de-Paix, two years after the fact. The house is combed through. A small hammer, a police probe walls. Nothing. Then it was the turn of the concrete slab. The police dropped the hammer, grabbed a weight and hits the pavement which is starred. Through the rebars, the police characterized the loot Alain Desire launderer "mafias, mainly Mexican," according to the cops who are also looking for Dominicans. Hands frantically dive into what is now a cesspool, the risk of opening the arm by chains on edge.
And there is "heaven on earth," said one of the corrupt cops who crossed, two weeks ago, a colleague at the police station in Port-de-Paix. Is hoisted into cries of joy, but with difficulty, a safe 40 kilos. Then two suitcases. Finally, rather, two trunks, according to a witness. Shoe boxes stuffed with $ 100 bills. Dozens of sets of 15 000 dollars by tight elastic bands. Sports bags. The cops are like crazy. And use by stuffing his pockets, the pants and shirt at the point of blowing up the buttons. They also put into socks. Looting
hard, according to witnesses, "Twenty-five minutes." The whole neighborhood came running and looks prohibits enforcement gormandize the dough to "Alain," a man of "good", as indicated by a farmer whose wife "out of diapers" was saved by "the doctor paid by Alain. The police and magistrates in cars back then, the process hampered by the bundles that are outside of the pants, breasts swollen tickets. For Senator Yuri Latortue, who chaired the Commission for Justice and Security in the Senate, "it is the most shameful scandal of recent years that has tarnished the image of the country."
The night will fall a minute to another. The procession of robbers jumped on the track, sirens wailing, surrounded by stray dogs and girls in uniform returning from school, is approaching the urinals in the stagnant water splashing vendors guavas. Two years later, the scene of the crime, there are election posters faded, murals invitation to a dance and overflowing urinals. And always
vendors guavas.
It is a little over 18 hours this November 12, 2008 when police and magistrates in the police return to swimming. The cops, braces on the kidneys, pushing the paperwork on the table by excluding the forearm, and there lay the bags of loot. This is no longer the dilapidated police station: the basement of polished steel of the Chase Manhattan Bank. Sharing can begin. Secretaries mistresses 1500 dollars. Registrars felons? The same amount. To messenger? Come on, 1000. And the envelope for Senator from the corner that we cover? 25 000 dollars it should do the trick, right? The prosecutor Moses calls his top prosecutor Balthazar one who signed the false search, but curiously absent on business ... in Miami that day. The two men agree to give the authorities the amount of 510,000 dollars, the result of the raid on Desire. Then he must give the violins. A single version should be given because the rumor of sharing the spoils going tomorrow to tour the city. First, nobody has touched anything. Then we found only 510 000 dollars. Finally, the first speaker is dead.

But when Moses returned home, he throws a terrible rage. First his driver Edmond Brutus has disappeared. Where is even after this stupid? he said. Moses told him yet two suitcases out in the fresh search for Alain Desire. Brutus load to be hand delivered to his wife, "Madame Rene. Brutus was executed but has returned ... a suitcase. Moses has doubled as a bruise. The
Brutus in question, the day after the looting, bought a Toyota pickup with 25,000 dollars and contacted a contractor. It intends to build a palace in the town of Jean Rabel, 30 km from Port de Paix. Indeed, if Port-de-Paix may resemble a small tropical Palermo, Jean-Rabel's a bit Corleone. Once out of the ground, Brutus was sold and gone. Must be said that the palace had become the driver object Visits and sarcasm of the population. The driver of the prosecutor Balthazar, who had also doubled his boss by stealing the stolen loot, also had built a palace. These houses are now abandoned. The owners obviously on the run.
Only the rank and file will be judged. Three judges and four police officers in nature. The latter "with their service weapon," as indicated by the Inspector Robert (name changed at the request of the latter, ie), surrounded by two daughters, one hand on the shoulder of each. Balance Mackendy who sold Desire has not enjoyed much of his freedom since the HNP, which was partially drained its black sheep, has recently picked up dead drunk in a brothel in the city throwing $ 100 bills on the dance floor.
Desire, he was sentenced to fifteen years in Miami. His aunt Lisa Joseph pray every day "the Virgin" by showing her rosary: "We knew he was in business but no one knew why," she said in Creole. It occupies the Petit Trianon of his nephew whose seals were broken. For the Dominican police, whose release has obtained the report, Desire was an ace of money laundering. Two years after the fact, "the lawsuit is on appeal, while many of the protagonists of the case, magistrates and police are on the run, "said J. Stephen. And for good reason: those who fell were quickly emerged as the penitentiary in Port-au-Prince where they were on remand was screwed to the ground by the earthquake. So all these people is on the run. The scandal
Lavaud, as has been called the Haitian press, "has tarnished the image of the judiciary in our city." It is little to say. Already as Port-de-Paix was a "storage area for cocaine en route to the United States," says the committee has issued a damning report on the functioning of justice.

The senior judge Ronel Court Gelin, who first, denounced the case to the press was suspended by the Department of Justice. He refused the prosecutor's $ 10,000 Moses to buy his silence. Ronel Gelin is now director of a Catholic high school in Port-de-Paix. For the former magistrate, "all the greatest beneficiaries of this scandal are in Port-au-Prince." A report by the Dominican police evokes an amount of "510,000 dollars handed over to authorities after the robbery. This is not one hundredth of the amount found. So how exactly in hiding? Ten? Fifteen? Twenty million? More?
Desire's uncle was révolvérisé. Miraculously out of business a few days later he died the day before leaving the hospital. Incorporates an inspector, who was preparing to denounce the widespread corruption in the police station in Port-de-Paix, was "suicided". "He wanted to talk. He was forced to drink battery acid, "said Inspector Robert. A driver of a magistrate was found beaten to death.
Alain Desire is really late in town. Especially on Friday. That day, he got in his little Trianon judges, cops, community leaders and journalists. Everyone walked away with his jacket.
J. Etienne up eyes to heaven: "How to fight against corruption when moving here the largest quantity of drugs toward the United States?" Last year, police in Port-de-Paix seized 33 kilograms of cocaine. It's not even the weight of a sack of cement. But 33 is also in the millions of dollars of treasure Caribbean Alain Desire. Finally, this is what is said in Port-de-Paix. Desire, it is not so eager to get out. This is understandable: Mexicans do not like to roll in flour.

Drawing Mezzo

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Neutrophils Low Vitamin D


3 months after the beginning of the epidemic, cholera was 3838 dead and 188,267 patients, which brings us slowly but surely 200000. Mortality has fallen sharply but unfortunately the pic is still not achieved according to the WHO.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tagalog To Bisaya Translation

Click Animosity - Feeders Of The Flamez (2010)

Exit the mass outside of the nails, do things without worrying about the opinions and accept a bit of madness and hatred is an element engine in all its creativity, these three elements together can they be incorporated into the definition of an artist and more generally of a musical work? The sanitizing of nagging but voracious Hip-Hop did he not made over the years, also clean the nostrils of Robert Downey Jr.? In 1979, the party pioners blocks of borough of NY cried foul that their movement will be sold at 33t format of the music industry predicting the death of Hip Hop rather than worrying about artistic research issued by the Sugar Hill Gang, in clear form over than substance. 30 years later after a multitude of deaths and rebirths apparently the rap Keny South Park, the listener continues to bemoan the current format without formatting the movement find common ground in their claim with the older generation as the more substantive concern than form. So if a crew today without logic playing background Cramer map of the head were issuing an album without meaning, wireless continues, and the pool would be issued on a cake just to say, it would suffice to appease the image wise little child that sticks to rap?

Boston Branch, far from the suburbs all own that have nothing to envy our houses French witnesses who have inherited the gene and reproductive rabbit go in a dirty street from which a smell as sharp as the cut to the coke glass dust. Loud noises escaping intermittently silhouettes are sharper and at first nothing seems to indicate that the 3 characters that emerge, are transforming a rate of insanity in any simple way potential homicide victim . Yet the eyes of Gage One , Trust and Rhetoric never disappoint ranging from normality of typical underground mcs attached to the 90's to the crazy brutality of the horrorcore Gravediggaz. Mcs double-hatted officiating in the category of mc cutter at the former, the 3 main representatives (the others are either dead or in jail or be barred for not too suffer from claustrophobia mutilating a studio) from the crew Click Animosity arming our temples Feeders of the Flame as a warning before the influx of releases planned for 2011.

The music switched trigger is Defragmenting a ball that reaches every part of the eardrum. No refinement with love, as the raw material heavy crude and formless stamped Click Animosity , dementia noise propagated by the minimalist beats and glossy DJ Extremediz on Lyricist supremacists gives the three mcs opportunity to show that their pockets are well furnished. Piano loop that seems unfinished Back When of Vee Eye died recently shows the double aspect of a crew juggling the love of Hip-Hop to the old and the pain inflicted by the life justifying the horrorcore part of the crew (FYI Rhetoric is also a member of Evil Dead ). In this universe away from the vibe shaolin but so close to a lifestyle in Wu Tang , it is not surprising to encounter Shabazz The Disciple Gravediggaz mode instrument on soft and misleading One Prophet the furious flow of each protagonist is beaten as an outlet. We remain in the registry with a bullet from 45 Clautraphobia of DJ Extremediz bringing the legend Craig G of Juice Crew, an underground banger lively and choleric addictive. Strict and effective Gramz Of Ra w ( Propeht One to prod) puts forward a deadly combination with input from Slaine demonstrating once again its adaptability to any type of beat. Versatile and without cohesion, Click Animosity continue their delirium "fuck all" to the Funky Family (without the funky side) by placing on Bullet Teeth decorated with a sample of jazz rather academic. The tracks are linked together without looking thread and as surprising as it may seem that anarchy is digested easily. Nevertheless, the decrease of tension and shortness of breath in the middle of album can be felt, without being categorized fillers Ride For The Authentic , Hip-Hop Hand Grenades (quite interesting and yet still produced by Vee Eye ) and Just Spit serve Norman bloody hole before attacking the second part of the delusion under psychoactive Gage One , Trust and Rhetoric . The ubiquitous DJ Extremediz restart hostilities on an epic warrior Via Frontlines , quite in line with the orchestration gore the trio. Deja heard splashes Grow Biz Man, too bad because the combination posse cut was well put together. One enters an atmosphere of psychosis in Amadeus The Stampedge with Colors where Rhetoric just steal the limelight from his cronies in delivering a performance worthy of a mc labeled schizophrenic. Loop inspired soul of traditional products of the Big Apple and we see that the range of the crew is wide open with chaining Unseen Faces and Black Roses where in the latter case, just cross Wisemen the mic with a lot more successful than their last attempt Children Of A Lesser God . We end on a note of dark history back to basics with the crew back at the helm of Purpose on the remix of Paint Pictures.

It is really all about the cake completely deformed but fully in keeping with the philosophy of this small crew of Boston. Feeders of the Flame contains its inconveniences and may divert its inconsistency, but remains a good entry for bleeding we wait before the release of the solo members in 2011.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Generator Size Calculator

Muffins Butternut Squash and Pecans

Especially do not say that in your muffins is that ...
of Butternut Squash ! Let

taste and enjoy and after, long after when they have eaten the whole plate, you can maliciously
tell them ...
You just eat cucurbits !

For 6 & Muffins Butternut Pecan

200 g of raw butternut squash
14 pecan
90 g of almond puree complete
40 g sugar 40 g brown sugar
agave syrup
150g flour 1 tsp
yeast 1 / 2 tsp cinnamon 1 pinch
ground ginger

Cut squash with skin into large chunks Mix all
long to get mashed
Crush 8 pecan
Uniting the two ingredients with two sugars and mashed Almond
Add spices, salt and two eggs
Finish by adding flour and yeast.
Mix well and fill muffin impressions to 3 / 4
Garnish each muffin with a pecan
Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

► I actually used a preparation of almond puree complete
already 30% sweetened with unrefined cane sugar.
but you can also opt for mashed almond white
less strong in taste and unite with the muscovado sugar or rapadura example.
The result is slightly sweet and not fat because there is no further additions of fat.

More tasty ideas for almond puree:

Pineapple Cake Sun - ginger
Cake Moist blueberries
Treats to berries

Does Soflens Toric Allow Oxygen To Your Eyes

"He" returned

program this Sunday, January 16, 2011 is looking very promising after a week psychologically difficult: the struggles, slagging Monthly Scout, a picnic and entertainment scene of Haiti mounted with several hundred children in camps, at the National Stadium. City of Lights is suffering but ever, a barely concealed allegory of a small Caribbean country.

Towards 17h (a decidedly grim time), an sms from a friend of the TNH: "Duvalier land at PAP tonight." We instantly think of a joke then the rumor is confirmed. Around us, the BlackBerry panicked. The figures eclipsed soon. Then just a sms alarming events also require us to leave this show. Our return will finally safely in the middle of rasta flags (???).

"Ca" is reached, milled after 25 years without Tropics and emaciated after 25 deprivation of griot and other fritailles. While the world is still recovering from the departure of Ben Ali, Haiti is hosting its famous dictator in exile after 25 and with a diplomatic passport Haiti please. How can the government claim that he was unaware.

This Sunday evening where demonstrations of joy greet the news of the one under which "the land market," I can not help but think of Bob, imprisoned and tortured under Baby Doc. Because we keep saying to minimize something that's a Haitian like the others, "he" is not any Haitian!

"He" would have kissed the ground on arrival as the Holy Father and proclaimed he had come to help the country after the unbearable images projected in France to commemorate ... Finally it argues that his new wife / girlfriend botoxée on all sides. We feel a little better by repeating it a return ticket for next Thursday.

Obviously, one also speaks of the return of Aristide. It has indeed applied for a passport but was denied, another time perhaps ... unless Preval prefers to see reappear baby doc that his former mentor who has installed on his golden throne ...

"He" promises a conference Press on Monday, he canceled (not enough places for everyone).

Tuesday, rumors of arrests circulated: Duvalier was arrested for his crimes ...? The tens of thousands of lives during his reign? No, embezzlement and conspiracy. Loads meager and outdated surely seen the della prescription but can actually be easier to prove that the crimes for which he can always say he knew nothing. "It" will be released after 6 hours.

Wednesday, new twist, 4 figures whose widow of Jean Dominique, a complaint for crimes against humanity against Duvalier. And others preparing to do so. Unfortunately this concept does not exist in Haitian law, and thence to think about international justice ...

And Duvalier indicated that he returned for good and he wants to present himself to the Presidential !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst is that, given his popularity among the majority of the population aged 30 years and I would have every chance ...

Meanwhile Duvalier denies about his so-called spokesman: no he will not be president. After all it is right for progress after President must be at least emperor!

Meanwhile after leaks on a preliminary version of the experts on the first round ballot and recommendations to remove Jude Celestin, the electoral council would decide not taken into account and not change the results ... Even as the U.S. ambassador said the report's conclusions were not negotiable.

So yes here it is confirmed, the PRC has made a huge fuck the international community and decided not to change the results of the first round. Candidates can still come whining until 24 January.

I think it is high time that I leave this mess ...

Spacewalker Mv42v1.3 Driver Audio

1,000 th ticket sales and (very) private! The St. Honore

My 1000th tickets will be not a recipe!
but the greedy do not despair ...
There will be what you enjoy.

I am pleased to announce a private sale
beautiful clothes for babies and children of the mark " LUCIEN ZAZOU "

You do not know this brand very young but very promising?

Behind this brand of organic clothing, green, manufacturing totally French, classy without being snobby
, accurate and practical, full of biting finishes and delicate
hide Carolina and Fernando, two members of my family.

Affairs, creative, they still believe in the production "Made in France", in dressing
biological, thread the fabric through natural dyes,
happy to look without being stuffy and without losing quality.

Go moms, moms, grannies, aunties,
're curious, go find
their collection and if you are the victim of greedy or hungry,
there will always savory or sweet bread nice and relaxed place
where this is going to remedy this.

To discover their site, click on the flyer
To discover their FaceBook page
with pictures of their creation, click here

Feel not to pass the info on your social networks,
Thanks for them!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Squash Ball Dot Coding

Régalade Bruno Doucet

was November 26th ... I know it feels warm!
I assure you, cooking Doucet ,
in its second restaurant in Paris has nothing heated. Just

We were promised the bistro, the true and you end up with a bad copy
without heat and banter.
And this is not the machine to cut the ham, bright red, boldly
installed near the bar change things.

Ralon Do not unduly, mouthing
friendly with the dish's campaign boss eat on thick slices of bread and pickles
out of the jar, we had untied languages and drawn sighs with satisfaction. Let

just prude, we would have liked our "coup de rouge"
follow as soon as possible to cap off the table in Paris Canaille .

Go three formulas to 33 euros (starter, main course Dessert)
but if you fancy prefer a flat slate,
it can cost you 16-18 euros extra,
including a duck or a pigeon neck green.
(in this case, Mr. Doucet made a map!)

The entries were promising and they were
with a velvety smooth pumpkin though alliances land-sea
vegetable lasagna and fresh scallops in their shells Jacques,
olive oil, Parmesan and chives.

The dishes were almost stopping our joy and our heated discussions.
Not enough flavor or research a little hearty, meat too dry and this mania
add chopped chives everywhere!

But the dishes are generous and your scholarship will not be disappointed to be passed by.

I would not be objective if I did not speak to the intruder!
A magnificent piece of plastic in the base of my girlfriend fork
swiftly removed by hand without offering the waitress to bring the dish in the kitchen.

Ah! this is the Paris of Madame without gene!

You will end your meal with a very small dessert?
I opted for the vanilla custard and jelly
passion and found myself with two glasses "like home"
of something between panacotta and custard
headed by a wave acid yellow jelly passion fruit seeds.
My two guests attracted by the soufflé ... not fallen
have quickly tired of his side very sweet without a little something that excites
taste buds and makes you want to finish your dish.

Coffee and adding "Hsiu" please!
oh! a small black compensate us for free the plastic inedible!

can not be overstressed,
ticket restaurant critic is like a Polaroid.
It is not necessarily reproducible! A
yer good heart, sir ... Ladies

The Régalade Saint Honore
123 rue Saint Honoré Paris 1er

Tel 01 42 21 92 40

♥ My friends range from that day were ...

A Chicken in the Kitchen and

The Foodie Froggy in Paris

I thank them for the good atmosphere,
their warmth and friendship.
is repeated when?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Ova Sub


It was not until January 6th to know ever so can the official program of the commemorations of January 12, but in my mind the countdown had already begun . And this, by the burgers that we shared as the last one I shared with Jean-Christophe a few days before the earthquake.

Many private Masses or general readings of texts. In these moments we still clings to the words we managed to find the Haitian writers.

For my part, I keep this phrase Sophie Boutaud de la Combe: "I'm more into what the others lost in what I have."

There will, of course, the minute of silence at zero hour, despite the media who would like to direct at that time.

This will be the launch of the reconstruction program in Fort National. The iron market has been opened after its restoration (begun in 2008 after a fire).

Here, we only speak of NGOs who have done nothing in a year. The largest are the balances of public funds are used. The others are silent, hoping to blend into the crowd. It does not work too good for an NGO these days.

It also speaks of God, as apparently that's all that's left to people in the camps.

Unfortunately we see the old demons resurface that are heard after the earthquake and who want to convince us that Haiti is cursed. And then the end of the world in 2012 is too late. While some have decided to move forward and prevent the lost sheep. As the giant billboard below, Jesus will come to those he chose May 21 because Oct. 21 is the end of the world.

My God what to do but to join the Air Jesus who takes off on 21 (one week after the supposed end of the mandate of Preval, ahem everything is fishy here )????
Turning to God, of course!
That's why last weekend, Franklin Graham, head of Samaritan's Purse, which had loudly proclaimed that Haiti was cursed, organized a meeting of evangelization giant broadcast on several TV channels. Here we call it a crusade .... Like the knights who defended the Holy Land ... or looted by the versions.
It was even planned a special crusade for children. In this regard, I advise you to watch Jesus Camp and discourse on methods of evangelization on the kids in the USA. Hey it's strange, pastor's wife said she wanted to train the new army of God, the new crusader ...

Visually, it's the only message that Haitians have received a few days before the commemoration!
On the same wavelength, Carnival could not take place ... Sad start to the year 2011 in Haiti.
As he was a sacrilege to throw up our cakes, I'm holding but he is bankrupt shortly ...

PS: Thanks for the photos Doudou

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bollywood Biggest Boobs

The Left - Gas mask (2010)

Humanity does not seem to be a mere chimera, stagnant air in the arteries of life is suffocating and toxic. Machinery, industrial and environmental noise that characterized Detroit now disappeared as scanned by an invisible hand. What seems to be the remains of a civilization is transformed into a mass of articulated limbs moving aimlessly. How did this happen? The simplest answer would come from the public acceptance of what looks good or not, choose "The Right" way / thing rather than impartiality. Philosophy imbued with the powerful of this world, this urge to control the virus mutates into a thundering, which turns against its own creators. The hope of a return to independent civilization hangs by a thread, or rather an obscure splinter group called "The Left " a symbol of independence. Armed their gas masks, they try to attack the virus permeating the air with their own musical creations away from the conformism imposed on the population. But do they have the weapons to create the spark that will bring people to reason?

In outnumbered the tentacles made by The Right, The Left owes its existence and its survival to its three leaders. Apollo Brown, creator of the movement of the rebellion, the production officiating. Staunch defender a dirty soul and minimalist drums clacking, it seems to have the weapons to take over a Hip-Hop real connection with its history. Independent at the time of the tragedy, he tried to launch a half-hearted response with The Reset without obtaining the desired result. Journalist 103, mc underground fan of battles and politically radical, it owes its survival to its omnipresence in moldy cellars and rusted the Motor Town. Finally, DJ Soko, known in the community for its effectiveness on the hook scratch, he lacked the equipment to convert sound into his turntables long-range missile.

From the intro Change , the tone, trim up your gas mask because the assault musical based on large drums and vocal sample is introduced followed very closely by the eponymous track Using the same technique of attack. 103 on the mic Journalist adopts an attitude of guerrilla war against the party vibes of cardboard. Real Hip-Hop in the crosshairs, Apollo Brown book Frozen an aggressive instrument with a saturation effect which strengthens the darkness of the piece to the delight of Kool G Rap who ride in conquered territory. Same saturation effect and without the presence Soko of the Detroit beatmaker drops a mortuary on organ Battle Axe Mu with without the two mcs really come to bear the work of Apollo . Respite after this first phase of attack with Binoculars recalling that the trio is a pure product stamped Motor Town with all the soul influence that results. In terms of performance, Journalist 103 loose enough work provided even if sometimes these Storytellin 'seem to have neither head nor tail. By cons, if you are looking for high level services Hassaan Mackey on How We Live answer your expectations. In this type of album that points clearly lack of creativity and consistency of contemporary rap, there is traditionally a track dedicated to the performance in good standing of wack mc thing by the trio met with The Funeral no real interest the form and substance. But this false note is short with the arrival of Statistics défouloir species in this barbaric attack which Journalist engages in kickage to beat rule despite the presence of raggaman Invincible that could be optional. Tired of tour operators who offer tours Then follow any formatted Marv Won and Journalist to visit the below Detroit on a beat in keeping with the theme.

Arrived at the end of this first phase of attack, we can now say that The Left is the means to deploy a force strikes consistently. If the homogeneity of the tracks too big of Apollo Brown may repel the length, the contribution of DJ Soko on vocal samples can upgrade the whole. For his part Journalist 103 delivers a good job mc despite some weaknesses compensated by the presence of interesting guests.

Yet if "The Right" wobbles, it is not in a position of weakness, the attack of a tone too sweet Melody ending with its loop on a flash addictive sax does not seem strong enough to finish the job. shame because Journalist avoids the clichés of kitsch very love song today. It includes the arrival of Live Reporting that this trip was a romantic delusion to plunge deeper in the bowels of Detroit metal and roaring, Guilty Simpson present in support while recalling that in this city, it has become a major player unfortunately or not. Clinging to their demand for freedom of opinion and the message of The Left vibrates in the air "Do not Believe the media" covered by timidly Final on Caged Birds . In terms warrior Journalist 103 remains a good soldier but his physical impact does not seem quite destructive to cope alone and it is undeniable that the real gunner of this rebellion is called Apollo Brown who drops a grenade last Homage . It ended the assault by a victorious vibe Get In Where You Fit In case of final while fireworks.
If earlier this year, nobody would dare to bet on this trio of Detroit almost unknown (as well as on Roc Marciano or Celph Titled ), it is now on the following the project will attract the attention of listeners. While the war is far from over as "The Right" continues to debase the mass at the end of the year but the message should be rehashed incessantly while not falling into redundancy too heavy. This first round is won hands down: The Left thanks to the enormous qualitative contribution of Apollo Brown brings new life to the Motor City in a style which is clean and respectful of the musical legacy left by thousands of artists who have walked these streets buzzing. Then only the ubiquity of the key "Apollo brown " still makes the whole a bit too compact and the repetition of plays necessarily leads to some fatigue, history of fiddling ...
