Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Does Soflens Toric Allow Oxygen To Your Eyes

"He" returned

program this Sunday, January 16, 2011 is looking very promising after a week psychologically difficult: the struggles, slagging Monthly Scout, a picnic and entertainment scene of Haiti mounted with several hundred children in camps, at the National Stadium. City of Lights is suffering but ever, a barely concealed allegory of a small Caribbean country.

Towards 17h (a decidedly grim time), an sms from a friend of the TNH: "Duvalier land at PAP tonight." We instantly think of a joke then the rumor is confirmed. Around us, the BlackBerry panicked. The figures eclipsed soon. Then just a sms alarming events also require us to leave this show. Our return will finally safely in the middle of rasta flags (???).

"Ca" is reached, milled after 25 years without Tropics and emaciated after 25 deprivation of griot and other fritailles. While the world is still recovering from the departure of Ben Ali, Haiti is hosting its famous dictator in exile after 25 and with a diplomatic passport Haiti please. How can the government claim that he was unaware.

This Sunday evening where demonstrations of joy greet the news of the one under which "the land market," I can not help but think of Bob, imprisoned and tortured under Baby Doc. Because we keep saying to minimize something that's a Haitian like the others, "he" is not any Haitian!

"He" would have kissed the ground on arrival as the Holy Father and proclaimed he had come to help the country after the unbearable images projected in France to commemorate ... Finally it argues that his new wife / girlfriend botoxée on all sides. We feel a little better by repeating it a return ticket for next Thursday.

Obviously, one also speaks of the return of Aristide. It has indeed applied for a passport but was denied, another time perhaps ... unless Preval prefers to see reappear baby doc that his former mentor who has installed on his golden throne ...

"He" promises a conference Press on Monday, he canceled (not enough places for everyone).

Tuesday, rumors of arrests circulated: Duvalier was arrested for his crimes ...? The tens of thousands of lives during his reign? No, embezzlement and conspiracy. Loads meager and outdated surely seen the della prescription but can actually be easier to prove that the crimes for which he can always say he knew nothing. "It" will be released after 6 hours.

Wednesday, new twist, 4 figures whose widow of Jean Dominique, a complaint for crimes against humanity against Duvalier. And others preparing to do so. Unfortunately this concept does not exist in Haitian law, and thence to think about international justice ...

And Duvalier indicated that he returned for good and he wants to present himself to the Presidential !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst is that, given his popularity among the majority of the population aged 30 years and I would have every chance ...

Meanwhile Duvalier denies about his so-called spokesman: no he will not be president. After all it is right for progress after President must be at least emperor!

Meanwhile after leaks on a preliminary version of the experts on the first round ballot and recommendations to remove Jude Celestin, the electoral council would decide not taken into account and not change the results ... Even as the U.S. ambassador said the report's conclusions were not negotiable.

So yes here it is confirmed, the PRC has made a huge fuck the international community and decided not to change the results of the first round. Candidates can still come whining until 24 January.

I think it is high time that I leave this mess ...


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