Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jacobite Shirt Yellow


I can not resist sharing a few words of Jude Celestin reaction to his dismissal. As usual, he remained silent but has laid a 6-page text, very megalomaniacal:

Unfortunately we are not left completely unscathed from the tumultuous journey, because we will take much longer do damage to our good faith and our prestige. Even if injuries are closing, the scars remain and nothing to touch the pain awaken to keep alive the drama, underground dealings and betrayals that marked the election period.
Anyway, I turn to you the top of my vertical inviolate, draped in my honor and in the shell of my principles and my core beliefs and inentamées.
I approached the campaign, carrying a grand vision, new and fresh for the new Republic that our generation has a duty to construct a vision articulated in ten main lines of my program of government. And if I advocated continuity, targeting - by claiming the heritage-cycles of the past, because, as a former CEO of NEC or National Center facilities, I could be the ignore my own record, embodied as of 2000 kilometers of roads we have built or rehabilitated and the prompt action and saving of this organism in the aftermath of the earthquake and painful grieving of January 12, 2010.
I campaigned expansive and exuberant, lively and colorful, irradiated smile and devotion to my supporters, a campaign so impressed by the enthusiasm and the number, that number of foreign representations, surprised or subjugated, have is looking at several stations of audio-visual tapes authenticated monsters and our gatherings are like no other. We mainly conducted healthy campaign: we have never attacked our rivals, provided that our competitors today will undoubtedly become our employees or associates of tomorrow in the necessary solidarity kombite of national recovery.
Therefore, groundwater and pharmacies forums were set to work to undermine to crucify Jesus Christ (JC) and glorify Barabas. Since, from noon to vote there remained our faithful supporters, rejected our opponents had no other alternative but to demand the cancellation. But soon the two great tenors of the cancellation have swallowed their pride in the promise of some potentate by and / or elsewhere that everything would be done to keep them in the race, at the expense of demonizing and killing of political winner. And the machine began to move to crush the truth of the ballot box, discarding all records where JC had over 300 votes as our competitors not popular enough - or absent - did not exceed the milestone of 150. So we put aside-quarantined - approximately 3000 minutes, 90% were to our advantage, we still can not get out, 1045 PV winners JC disappear like magic in the center of confabulation. Injustice, unfairness, hypocrisy, deceit, there is no word in the vocabulary to describe the immorality of such an attitude.
And our immediate pursuer, who had never exceeded 14% in their polls, took a pretext for his sudden rise - real or artificial - to force the destiny, it encouraged by some delegations or individual routes, and threw into the streets Port au Prince and Petion-Ville-Delmas aggressive hordes who devastated everything in their path, three days during which the dominant fact is the noticeable absence - and certainly deliberate - tanks, soldiers and police to MINUSTAH. Here we
and income at the time of bayonets And we honestly thought it had finished with the past, but the past was not through with us, he resurfaced in all its gruesome splendor dictation or just quiet complicity of our guardians, our teachers stabilization democratic. Thus, the Haitian has returned the practice of wanting to seize power by force and violence.
Haitian People,
Even in the face of the results also truncated, I accept my deepest nature, marked by civility, soaked in respect for others and the crucible of comity and magnanimity. It inclines me to present to congratulate winners of these games and even those who have benefited from the pro-consuls. What unspoken allegiances and concessions have we not paid this solicitude runaway, stubborn and devastating! Should we not expect to drink to the dregs the cup of poison injunctions and humiliation!
I pity some of my fellow platform insider who, like the son of the patriarch Jacob sold their brother Joseph, but the intuition that it could - would-be minister of the Pharaoh of Egypt. In their haste to deliver me to appease the restless jewelers probably Holders of any piece of jewelry box, they have not given the time to review the electoral law does not recognize a party's right to "withdraw" its candidate or to one of exceeding the prescribed period ( Article 104).
I know you suffer from these results, synonyms somehow premium violence. Do not crumple them in the melancholy of defeat or sacrifice: you are the race of conquerors. Our victory will come later, but he comes anyway. Look to the sun, high forehead, lofty soul and get ready for future battles in which the victim will be rehabilitated and just glorified. Courage, son and daughters of Dessalines: the darkest night announced the radiant dawn.
activist never lost the war, he lost battles, but if he keeps his beliefs, leaving it enriched and strengthened.


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